07 September 2016

Peanut Butter & Cupcake!

If you've never read Peanut Butter & Cupcake! you need to - as soon as you can.  I was lucky enough to be given the book as a gift from a former student.  What a great story.  The pictures are so fun and it really has a great message about friendship.  It is the perfect book to read at the start of the school year when the kids in your class are just getting to know each other.  
For starters, it is an easy book to work on basic retell comprehension.  It works really well with my firsties as they are still just beginning to become comfortable with that skill, especially right away.

This book also leads to a discussion of what makes a good friend:
How does a good friend act?  What do they do for others? etc.

I wanted to do something that had the students working with a partner-preferably someone new to them so they could make a new friend (just like in the story).

For this activity the partners have to figure out something that is the same about them and something that is different.  For a challenge, have them come up with different same/different ideas.

Click here for a link to this activity!