29 October 2014

Writing Notebooks

I have a little teacher-hack for you . . . 

My kids love to write in their notebooks but often don't use the entire piece of paper and then it gets wasted.  This is especially true with young kiddos who are only writing a few sentences.  

The solution . . .
I have done this in the past but I used regular notebooks and they were a pain to cut.  You had to use your paper cutter and then use wire cutters to get through the wire ring on the side.  
This is SO much easier.  
My co-worker figured out that by using composition notebooks you can take them to Office Max (or your local office supply store) and they will cut them in half for you in no time.  The best part is that it only cost less than $4.00!  Also, if you plan ahead you can buy these notebooks in the summer when their 50 cents each, and since each kiddo only gets half you only need half as many as you have students in your class.  

I have used them as reading response notebooks or you can use them for free writing or Work on Writing time in Daily 5.  The possibilities are endless!! 

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