We love playing math games!! This is a great game for the beginning of school but one that they love doing all year long. It's called Reach for the Stars. I cannot take credit for coming up with this game but I did re-create and change the game sheet just a little.
It's a partner game where the students need two dice. Partner 1 rolls both dice and adds them together - then colors a box on their side of the game board that matches the answer (ie. if they roll a 3 and 1 they color in a 4 box). Then it's Partner 2's turn. The first person to reach a star in the middle wins! I have them continue to play to try and fill up the remaining squares.
They absolutely LOVE this game. They love that they get to work with a partner and that they can use markers or crayons to color in their boxes instead of pencils (which we always use in math).
Here's a free copy. Hope you enjoy using it in your room!