02 October 2015

Daily 5 is up and running...

As of yesterday we officially have our Daily 5 routine up and running (and I might add...somewhat smoothly).  It really does take an entire month to get all of the routines down and practice them separately before I let them go totally on their own.  I am SO glad when we get to this point because it means they are already becoming more independent (yay, yay)!
The way I run Daily 5 in my classroom involves colored necklaces!  There are five colors and each color group has a different order for the Daily 5 activities.  I hand these out at random each day so they are not grouped by reading level or in any specific way.  I do keep track of the color they have each day so they get a different color every day of the week.  This keeps the groups mixed and interesting!!  
(I got the cute little Daily 5 Frogs from Jennifer Tice)
They absolutely love using the iPads-although it will still take us some time before they can problem solve all the fun issues technology brings :-)  This is when I have parent volunteers in my room because they are a HUGE help in dealing with these types of things while I'm reading with a group.  
We usually don't get through all 5 Dailies every day - honestly, its probably about three maybe four if we're lucky.  The necklaces are nice for keeping them on track without me having to switch names or groups on a big wall chart.  I am all about simplifying things :-)
When I take them for guided reading they just skip whatever their necklace says for that round.  I know it's kind of a bummer for them to miss one round, but it's not that big of a deal and it allows me to mix up the groups instead of having them move together with their guided reading group. 

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