03 November 2015

Writing About FALL

The weather did feel like fall but currently we are experiencing warmer than average temps here in Wisconsin.  I am LOVING the high 60's/low 70's weather!!
Nevertheless, it is the beginning of November so we have been doing a lot of fall writing.
The first was this adorable acorn writing activity from Wild About Firsties.  
It was a quick activity that let us practice simple sentences and mechanics.  They thought it was so cute.  I love when they add their own little touches to make the acorns come to life.
Next we read the book The Falling Leaves.  This story has a really great message about treating others nicely so we discuss that before I show them the activity.
They take a cut out of a leaf and have to turn it into something totally different.  I am always completely amazed by their ideas!
I found this idea from Yearn to Learn.  I changed up the sheet a little to give us more room to work.
Click here to get a FREE copy of the sheet.

Finally, we used all five senses to describe fall.  We brainstormed a list of fall things for each of the five senses as a group.  Then I had them pick their favorites from each category to do a first draft copy.  The first draft gives them practice putting their idea into a complete sentence.
After they wrote their sentence down I had them copy their sentences onto a final sheet (on cuter paper) which we then turn into a class book.

Scarecrow sheet courtesy of Fun-in-First.  

And, just for good measure I thought I'd throw in a picture of my little guy in his first Halloween costume.  Enjoy!

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