04 April 2016

Easter Activities!

One of my favorite books to do at Easter time is The Easter Egg by Jan Brett.  Her books are always full of good messages and the pictures are, of course, beautiful.  After we read this story I give each student a very large white egg which they get to paint however they choose.  I use a 12x18 piece of white construction paper for each egg.  They really love this project because they get to use their watercolors which we don'st use all that often.

 This is a spider web egg - can you see the cute little spider hiding at the bottom??
After their egg is complete I have them write about their egg.  Some students choose to describe the way their egg looks-others like tell me a little story.  
They really make a bright, colorful display in the hallway :-)
For a fun Easter math activity we spent an afternoon sorting jelly beans.  I used just the old fashioned Brach's jelly beans and filled a little cup for each student.  I think it took me 3 bags and I have 23 students.  At this point in the year they have done a few activities like this and are used to a format that is similar for our daily calendar math pages (click on the link to grab them for FREE), so they are able to do this fairly independently (silent cheer)!

Of course, once they have finished I like to look over it briefly but then, finally, they get to eat their jelly beans.

Click on the picture for a FREE copy of our two-page Jelly Bean Sorting sheet.

All in all it was a nice way to end our week before Easter and Spring Break!!

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